When and how did you begin your safety career?
I started in the Sheet Metal Apprenticeship (Local 36) in 1999 in St. Louis, Mo. My safety started when I started my Mechanical company “Brison Mechanical” in 2006. Throughout my time in the field, I realized just how unsafe I was and the stupid risk that I took so I wanted to make a difference. We did not have a positive safety culture when I worked in the field. Work was profit driven without the three-leg stool “safety, production, & quality”. It was always hurry up and get it done! If you reported and injury, you would be let go so we did not report anything.
What do you do now in Occupational Safety & Health and what do you like most?
My role in Occupational Safety & Health is the Environmental Health & Safety Director at General Sheet Metal. I enjoy being a servant to all employees and ensuring their safety.
Tell us a bit about your experience obtaining your Bachelor’s in Safety – what motivated you, how was the experience?
My experience obtaining my Bachelor’s in Occupational Safety and Health was very rewarding to fill a personal goal to myself. I obtained a degree in 2000 for computer programming when I was pursuing a career in computer science. For my satisfaction having certifications and having the top safety position at General Sheet Metal was not enough for me on a personal level so I wanted to obtain higher education in Occupation Safety & Health. I will admit walking across the stage at 50 years old had its challenges, but I managed to walk with honors for Magna Cum Laude! With support from my family and friends, failure was not an option.
What motivates you to be a safety professional?
My motivation comes from problem solving with coaching and learning rather than pointing and blaming. Coming through the sheet metal trade and now being an EHS Director for a Sheet Metal company aligns well for me. 90% of the time, my teams have the right answer and are looking for validation where we can collaborate together for the best solution to execute work in a safe manner. It is definitely the employee engagement that motivates me the most!
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy spending my free time with my family. I have been married for 24yrs and we have a 21-yr old son and a 7-yr old daughter. We enjoy traveling, site seeing, and home projects.