Chapter News

Important Updates to CWC Membership Meeting Fees

Dear ASSP-CWC Members,

As we embark on the 2024-2025 Chapter Year, I want to take a moment to share some important updates regarding our monthly membership meetings. These meetings are a cornerstone of our Chapter, providing valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and professional growth. However, to ensure the long-term sustainability of these events, we have made some necessary adjustments to the fee structure.

New Fee Structure for Monthly Meetings:

  1. ASSP-CWC Member, Pre-Register & Pay in Advance: $25.00 (No Increase)
  2. ASSP-CWC Member, Pre-Register & Pay at Door: $30.00 (Increase of $5.00)
  3. Guest, Pre-Register & Pay in Advance: $35.00 (Increase of $5.00)
  4. Guest, Pre-Register & Pay at Door: $37.50 (Increase of $7.50)
  5. Students: $5.00 (Increase of $5.00)
  6. Past Presidents at Past President’s Meeting: $0.00 (No Change)
  7. New Members (First Meeting w/ Code): $0.00 (No Change)

The Why Behind These Changes:

Our Chapter meetings are hosted at Brix Tavern, a wonderful venue that ensures we have the space and resources needed to deliver high-quality events. However, each meeting comes at a cost to the Chapter, particularly when individuals pre-register and select to pay at the door and do not attend. We provide a headcount to Brix Tavern in advance, and when those numbers don’t align with actual attendance, we incur significant losses.

To reduce our financial losses and ensure the Chapter’s stability, we’ve made the following decisions:

  1. Subsidizing Costs for Members: Despite the changes, we are committed to continuing to subsidize a portion of the lunch cost for our members. We believe this is an important benefit that adds value to your membership.
  2. Discouraging “Pay-at-the-Door” No-Shows: We recognize that flexibility is important, so we will continue to allow pay-at-the-door registration. However, we’ve increased the cost slightly to discourage this practice as no-shows have been a significant contributor to our financial losses.
  3. Reducing Subsidies for Non-Members: Guests who pre-register and pay in advance will still receive a small subsidy on their meal. However, the subsidy will be significantly reduced compared to members, aligning with our goal of incentivizing membership while managing costs.
  4. Encouraging Student Attendance: Students remain an essential part of our community, and we want to continue to support their involvement. By introducing a nominal fee, we hope to enhance the likelihood that registered students will attend, reducing the chance of losses due to no-shows.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we implement these changes. Our goal is to create a sustainable and thriving Chapter that continues to offer valuable experiences to all members. If you have any questions or concerns about these updates, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your continued dedication to the ASSP-CWC community.

Warm regards,

Brittany Johnston

President, Columbia Willamette Chapter

Member Spotlight | Joaquin Diaz

How long have you worked in Occupational Safety & Health (OSH)?

I started working in EHS or OHS in 1999 after my discharge from the Marine Corps. 

When did you begin your safety career? What was your first job?

I was working as a project manager for a small painting contractor. My boss approached me about doing safety because we were getting into military construction. He knew my background in the Marines included being a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical warfare specialist for my section. 

Where do you work now, what is your role? What do you like about it?

I am the EHS director for Skanska USA Building’s Oregon office. I enjoy the type of work we do. I enjoy the people I work with, including the awesome EHS staff. 

What motivates you to be a safety professional?

The service to the profession and the industry. I have been fortunate to have an influence on national and state regulations, consensus standards, and professional development. My career is about supporting people and helping them better their perspectives. 

Do you have any memorable experiences as an OSH professional you would like to share?

Serving as president of the BCSP I was invited by the Saudi Kingdom to present at their second safety conference. I met the head of the UK HSE (OSHA equivalent) and was wined and dined from the day we arrived to the day we left. It was a memorable experience because of the gracious people I met from all around the Middle East. 

Why are you a member of ASSP and what value have you found in being a member?

The people have been the greatest asset in the ASSP. It is the largest representative of our profession. The PDCs and conferences have helped me expand my knowledge and improve upon my career. 

What do you like to do when you aren’t doing safety stuff?

My wife and I have visited several countries, states, and cities. We love to eat and enjoy the finest things life offers. We enjoy smoking a great cigar and drinking the finest whiskey.

2023 Membership Milestones

Join us in recognizing our ASSP Columbia Willamette Chapter members that are celebrating a membership milestone in 2023!